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“One cannot think well, love well, sleep

well, if one has not dined well.”


For a list of easy, healthy dinners

your whole family will enjoy, visit

peacehealth.org/healthy-you .

What’s for dinner?


is made up

of parents and kids, dozens of distant cousins, or a

cadre of close friends, it is likely that you’ve spent

much time during the holiday season with everyone

around your dinner table.

As we kick off the new year, we’d like to encourage

you to continue that trend. But now, instead of

setting a table full of heavy sugar- and fat-laden

dishes, take the opportunity to lighten up with

hearty, nutritious fare.

Research has shown that eating dinner together

as a family—no matter who is included in your

family—has multiple benefits. When you eat

together regularly, more than three nights a week,

some amazing things happen:

Grades improve.

Children who eat with their

parents five or more times a week show better

academic performance. They also have less trouble

with drugs, alcohol, and skipping school.

Nutrition skyrockets.

Eating together at

home improves your nutrition. The most accessible

alternatives to home-cooked food—inexpensive fast

food and takeout—are generally loaded with fat, salt,

and empty calories. Cooking and eating even the

simplest of meals at home and controlling portion

sizes can help your whole family be healthier.

Stress disappears.

Sharing a meal gives you an

excuse to slow down and connect with your loved

ones at the end of the day. One study even showed

that family mealtime helped working moms reduce

their stress from long hours on the job.

PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center

PeaceHealth Medical Group

PeaceHealth St. John Medical Center Foundation

Winter 2016